What a whirlwind of a few weeks it has been for us all, and I am thinking of all of my students who have so suddenly had to go without friends, school, learning and favourite hobbies / activities! I have really missed teaching regular lessons and seeing all of my students on a weekly basis, and am currently working on figuring out a set up which might allow me to teach online thanks to wonderful apps such as Zoom and FaceTime. It is a new territory for me so I really appreciate your patience as I adjust to working from home with a toddler and all of the technology I have to get my head around..! I will however keep you posted with all of this so keep an eye out on this blog and my social media pages for further details. Also to come soon will be some simple piano and vocal practice exercises for all levels which I will present by video and which will be great for daily practice.
In the meantime I have come up with some fun musical listening challenges which I hope to post at least once a week for you all to have a go at. I will email the musical excerpt directly to students and/or parents and this can be listened to as many times as you like, alongside the visual activity sheet which I will post below and on my social media pages (Facebook and Instagram).
There are two options - the first one is for all who would like to enjoy and have a go at. In addition to this however I have included an 'Advanced' option for my older and more experienced students who may be looking for more of a challenge, and would like to refresh their musical knowledge with some piano terms and techniques that we have discussed in lessons as well as testing out their aural skills which might be getting a bit rusty after a month's break from lessons!
The Listening Challenge is similar to something I have done in lessons before and so most of you will be familiar with this activity. It is simple and fun and all you need is your imagination and to give it your best shot. Listen to the music and take a look at the questions, sit by your piano if this helps and of course have some pens and paper handy!
Please contact me by email or with a little video message if you like, with any questions or queries that you have and I will be more than happy to help or give some advice. And don't forget to send me your answers and photos/ videos for the pictures, songs and dances you come up with as I would love to see them and hear what you think! For those who would like, I will post your images on my gallery page and social media.
Happy Listening!
Take care and stay safe.