Anna K Jarosz Music Education
Studio Policies
Privacy Statement
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into force on 25th May 2018 and requires that all businesses issue a privacy statement to all clients and contacts, regarding the data held about the individual.
1. Anna K Jarosz Music Education is the business name that holds your data
2. Data Held
2.1. I hold personal contact information as well as information about each student’s piano / voice education, eg progress, objectives, exam results and tracking against goals. I only hold the data needed to offer you the services you engage me to provide.
3. What I do with it
3.1. Contact information is used for scheduling, invoicing, record keeping and communicating my services with my students.
3.2. Some information will be shared with examination boards if you wish to enter for exams. Dates of Birth, which are needed for exam entries are deleted once the entry has been made.
3.3. No other data will be shared unless there is a legal obligation to do so.
3.4. All reasonable steps are taken to ensure your data is processed and stored securely such as password protected digital means and cloud services (e.g. google drive)
4. How long your data is stored.
4.1 Your data is stored for as long as you are a student with Anna K Jarosz Music Education and will be deleted if tuition discontinues
5. Individual Rights to the Data Held:
5.1. If you wish to change or delete the information I hold about you, or if you have any concerns about your data, please contact me directly by email: or telephone: 07944692658
5.2. You have additional rights regarding the data stored about you. You can read about them here:
6. Reporting a breach of rights or security
6.1. If you believe your data rights or security have been breached, please contact me immediately.
Conditions of Music Tuition
The Teacher will give the lessons at the location specified overleaf. The date and time of each lesson will be agreed in advance of each lesson by the Teacher and the Pupil (or the Pupil’s parent or carer). The agreement should be confirmed in writing.
2:Payment of fees
The Pupil (or the Pupil’s parent or carer) can pay fees monthly or annually. Fees are all inclusive and cover provision of method books and additional sheet music (see note no. 3 below).
Fees will be calculated based on 40 lessons per year. 35 lessons are scheduled weekly, allowing for breaks / holidays etc. The remaining 5 lessons will be available to take over the summer break on a flexible basis, during a specified time on the studio calendar. Fees will be paid over a 10 month period – September – June (inclusive). One month’s notice will be required for cancellation of the lesson agreement. Fees will be calculated pro-rata for those who begin their tuition part way through the academic year.
3:Method books & materials
A suitable method book will be provided for each student (up to 2 per academic year) chosen by the teacher to best suit their needs. Any additional sheet music required will also be provided for. If these are lost or damaged the student will be responsible for purchasing a replacement.
4:Missed lessons
“Make up” or replacement lessons will not be offered automatically. As the lesson fees are calculated based on an annual average number of lessons the monthly fee remains in place regardless of missed lessons UNLESS the teacher & student agree that the number of lessons missed will not be able to be made up throughout the course of the remaining academic year. Therefore, the Teacher will charge for any scheduled lessons which the Pupil does not attend. If the Teacher cancels a scheduled lesson, a replacement lesson time will be offered at a mutually convenient time. Refunds will not be given for missed individual lessons, however if multiple lessons are to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, the lesson fees will be pro-rated accordingly.
5:Examinations, competitions and public performances
The Pupil will not be entered for any examination, competition or public performance without the prior consent of both the Teacher and the Pupil (and the Pupil’s parent or carer, where applicable).
6:Termination of tuition
This Agreement may be ended by mutual consent at any time by both signatories to it signing and dating a written statement to that effect.
Where fees are not paid on time, the Teacher reserves the right, entirely at the Teacher’s discretion, to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice of termination to the Pupil or Pupil’s parent or carer. This right to terminate is without prejudice to any other rights the Teacher may have.
Either signatory to this Agreement may terminate the Agreement by giving notice in writing to the other signatory. Such termination will take effect immediately, except that if a lesson is scheduled to take place within 48 hours of notice being given by the Pupil or the Pupil’s parent or carer, that lesson must be paid for.
If the Teacher, in his or her reasonable opinion, feels unable to continue tuition on account of unreasonable conduct by the Pupil or anyone connected with the Pupil, the fees for any outstanding lessons will not be refundable.
8:Communication between the parties
For the purposes of Conditions 1 and 3 written notice may be given on paper, by email or by SMS text message, provided that, in the case of an SMS text message, the recipient acknowledges receipt of the text. For the purposes of Conditions 5 and 8 any written notice, statement or agreement must be recorded on paper or by email (and not by SMS text message).
Any changes to the terms of this Agreement must be confirmed in writing and signed and dated by both the Teacher and the Pupil (or the Pupil’s parent or carer).
If the Teacher chooses to waive any right or remedy under this Agreement or otherwise (for example, if the Teacher chooses to waive fees for any lessons which the Pupil does not attend) this shall not mean that he or she must do so in future or that he or she waives any other rights or remedies, unless agreed in writing in accordance with Condition 8(a) above.
10:Governing law and jurisdiction
This Agreement shall be subject to the laws of the jurisdiction of the location for the lessons (specified above) and the signatories to this Agreement agree that any dispute relating to the subject matter of this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that jurisdiction.

Classes are £7.50 per class
Siblings / Cousins will receive a 25% family discount on both individual and block booking fees.
Classes will be charged in blocks from 4 weeks up to 8 weeks depending on the time of year and how the classes fit with the school holiday calendar.
Block bookings offer a reduced rate of £7.00 per class.
Classes are offered as a block - payable as a one off fee.
Drop in sessions will be accessible only if there is space available and will be charged at the individual class fee of £7.50
Refunds are not available for missed or cancelled classes by the student.
If Little Birds cancels a class a full refund for the individual session missed will of course be given.
Classes will run for approximately 30 mins
All children attending the classes must be accompanied by an adult who assumes full responsibility for the child’s safety.
There will be two classes each week designed for specific age groups. One for babies from birth up to 1 year and the other for toddlers aged between 1 and 3 years.
Within each class we will sing, listen to music, play age appropriate instruments and use safe, sensory props to enhance our overall experience and encourage learning and creativity.
Instruments and toys will be cleaned between each use.
Cushions will be provided for each child to lie or sit on within class.
Photography is permitted within the class but please be mindful to ask permission of any parent whose child is captured within any pictures you take, before sharing or posting on social media.
Little Birds will ensure permission is given before posting any photos on social media. (See separate photography waiver provided at time of booking.)
Tea & Coffee will be provided for the parents / caregivers before or after class.
As a full member of the Incorporated Society of Musicians, Anna K Jarosz of Little Birds Music holds full public liability insurance which covers the weekly classes that take place in the Melrose Parish Church Hall. A certificate of proof of cover can be provided upon request.

Little Birds Music - Vision Statement
The classes are designed to support the natural instinct that we all have towards music from birth, in a form which encourages the child’s learning ability for the appropriate age category.
Through singing short simple melodies, chanting rhymes with words which are easy to remember and that follow various basic rhythmic patterns, and moving our bodies to the music we allow the babies and toddlers to develop a sense of musicality and learn that they can express themselves and their feelings through the language of music. Using colourful and stimulating props such as scarves, feathers, balls, bubbles and soft toys further enhances the sensory and creative experience.
My aim and vision for Little Birds Music is to create a safe and engaging space for you and your little ones to explore and most importantly, enjoy, each week when you come to class with the hope that our time together fosters an interest and love of music for life.